The Importance of Scheduling Recovery Time: A Mom’s Perspective


As a 40-year-old mom of two energetic daughters, life continues daily. Between school , work , household chores, and social obligations, it’s easy to forget I need to rest. In the midst of juggling all these responsibilities, I've come to appreciate the immense value of scheduling recovery time.

Understanding Recovery Time

Recovery time is the intentional period we set aside to rest and recharge after exertion or stress. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental, this downtime is crucial for our well-being. It’s about giving ourselves the space to recuperate so that we can come back stronger and more resilient.

Why Recovery Time Matters

1. Recovery from Exercise

As someone who enjoys staying active, I’ve learned the hard way that pushing myself too hard without adequate rest leads to burnout and injury. Whether it's a Zumba class, a morning jog, or a session at the gym, our bodies need time to repair and rebuild muscles. Scheduling rest days allows our bodies to heal and prevents overuse injuries. It’s not just about taking a break; it’s about coming back to our fitness routines with more energy and enthusiasm.

2. Social Recovery

Between parent-teacher meetings, playdates, and family gatherings, our social calendars can get pretty packed. While these events are important, they can also be draining. I’ve realized that I need time to decompress after social interactions. This means planning quiet evenings or solo activities where I can unwind and regain my social energy. A little time alone helps me be more present and engaged when I'm with others.

3. Health Recovery

Life doesn’t always go as planned, and health issues can arise unexpectedly. Whether it’s a cold, a migraine, or something more serious, our bodies signal when they need rest. Ignoring these signals only prolongs recovery and can worsen our condition. Scheduling downtime when we’re unwell is essential for healing. This might mean rescheduling meetings, getting extra sleep, or asking for help with daily tasks. Prioritizing health recovery ensures that we get back on our feet quicker.

4. Adapting to Changes

Life is full of transitions—moving to a new house, starting a new job, or even adjusting to a new routine as the kids grow older. These changes can be stressful and overwhelming. I've found that giving myself time to adjust and recover from these changes is crucial. Whether it’s taking a day off after a big move or easing into a new schedule gradually, allowing time to adapt helps manage stress and anxiety.

How to Schedule Recovery Time

  1. Recognize the Need: The first step is acknowledging that recovery time is essential. Listen to your body and mind. When you feel tired, overwhelmed, or stressed, it’s a sign that you need a break.

  2. Plan Ahead: Just as you schedule work meetings and kids' activities, schedule recovery time. Block out time in your calendar for rest and relaxation. This could be a day off after a busy week or an hour of quiet time each day.

  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no when your schedule is already full. It’s okay to decline social invitations or postpone tasks if it means protecting your recovery time.

  4. Communicate: Let your family and friends know about your need for recovery time. Explain that it helps you recharge and be more present for them. This helps set expectations and reduces the guilt associated with taking time for yourself.

  5. Be Flexible: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes plans change. Be willing to adjust your recovery time as needed, but don’t eliminate it altogether.

Embracing Recovery Time

In a world that often glorifies busyness, scheduling recovery time might seem indulgent or unnecessary. But as a mom, I’ve learned that taking care of myself isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Recovery time allows me to be a better mom, wife, and person. It enables me to handle life’s demands with more grace and resilience.

So, whether it’s taking a nap after a workout, enjoying a quiet evening after a social event, or resting when I’m unwell, I’m committed to scheduling recovery time. It’s my way of ensuring that I can keep up with the beautiful chaos that is life with two daughters. And it’s a reminder that even in the busiest of times, we all deserve a moment to pause, recover, and prepare for what’s next.

With help from AI. 

10 Tips for your first Trip to Kennedy Space Center in Florida

We got to go to Kennedy Space center for the first time. We went on an excursion from our MSC cruise ship. Here are 10 tips for your first trip to Kennedy Space Center in Florida:

  1. 1. Plan Ahead: Check the Kennedy Space Center website for opening hours, and special events. The dates did change for the week that we were there.

  2. 2. Tickets: Purchase tickets online in advance to save time and avoid long lines. We bought them through the cruise line since it included transportation and we could leave quickly from the cruise ship.

  3. 3. Arrive Early: Plan to arrive early to make the most of your day and avoid crowds.

  4. 4. Visitor Complex: Start your visit at the visitor complex to explore the exhibits, attractions, and shows.

  5. 5. Bus Tour: Take the bus tour to see historic launch sites and the Apollo/Saturn V Center. You have to allot a certain amount of time for this. We did not have the time on our visit from the cruise ship but we could have if we didn't do much at the visitor center.

  6. 6. Astronaut Encounter: Check the schedule for astronaut encounters or other special presentations. We did not get to see this but we got to see them signing autographs.

  7. 7. Space Shuttle Atlantis: Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, featuring the actual shuttle and interactive displays.

  8. 8. Weather: Be prepared for Florida's weather with sunscreen, hats, and umbrellas.

  9. 9. Interactive Exhibits: Explore the interactive exhibits, such as the Mars Rover and Shuttle Launch Experience.

  10. 10. Enjoy the Experience: Take your time to enjoy the experience and make memories with your family.

Have a fantastic time at Kennedy Space Center. I can't wait to get to go back.

A Swim Parents Guide to going to Districts for the first time: York, Pennsylvania Edition


Hey there swim parents. This year my daughter made Districts for the first time for winter swim. This experience was new to us and her. We both thought it was worth it in the end but here are some tips to your days easier. Are you gearing up for your first-ever swim meet at the York Swim Meet Districts in York, Pennsylvania? My daughter qualified for events for all three days. Yours may too. Each day was slightly different with different directions. We had to book our tickets early online for each day.

1. Pack the Essentials: Make sure to pack swim gear (caps, goggles, swimsuits), towels, snacks, water, chairs, and any necessary medications. We stayed at a hotel that was close to the event that our team recommended. Then the kids could get some extra together fun time.

2. Arrive Early: Plan to arrive at the meet venue at least 30 minutes before warm-ups begin. This will give you enough time to find parking, locate the pool, and get settled in.

3. Familiarize Yourself with the Schedule: Review the meet schedule in advance and make note of your child's events. This will help you plan your day and ensure you don't miss any of their races. They may run slightly early or late but it was available to watch online so we sent the link to our family an the times before it started.

4. Stay Organized: Keep track of your child's race times, heats, and lanes by writing them down or using a meet management app. This will help you stay organized and ensure you don't miss any of their races.

5. Respect other Parents: Remember that they are trying to watch their kids swim too. When you move around be mindful of them watching and recording.

6. Stay Hydrated and Fueled: Pack plenty of water and healthy snacks to keep you and your child energized throughout the day. There is a great snack stand but they don't have everything. They also earn money when you buy snacks from them.

10. Have Fun: Most importantly, remember to have fun. Swim meets are a great opportunity to cheer on your child, bond with other swim parents, and celebrate the sport of swimming.

I hope these tips help make your first swim meet experience a memorable one. Enjoy the York Swim Meet Districts and cheer loud for your swimmer.

A Mom's Guide to Low FODMAP Shopping at Wegmans in State College, PA

Over the past few years, I have been experiencing pain in my lower abdomen. We have decided some of the issues could be from bloating. I was asked to try the Low Fodmap diet. This diet can make certain people feel better. Please do your own research if you wan to know what the diet is.

This is not a lose weight diet. It is a way to restrict your eating so you can decide which foods make your body feel uncomfortable.

I recently went to Wegmans in State College PA to look for some items I can not find in other places. One thing they have their a Foddy foods. These are foods that are certified as low fodmap by Monash University.

Here are some shopping tips:

  1. Plan Ahead:

  2. Before heading to Wegmans, make a list of low FODMAP foods you need. This will help you stay focused and avoid impulse purchases. You can use their website.
  3. Know Your Labels:

  4. Familiarize yourself with the ingredients commonly found in high FODMAP foods. Look for products labeled "low FODMAP" or check the ingredients list for FODMAP-friendly options. This is basically looking at each ingredient. If they have "natural flavors" this is something you should be concerned about if you don't know what it is.

  5. Pick Up Staples:

  6. These are simple low Fodmap items you could find at any grocery store such as carrots, blueberries, strawberries, brown rice and eggs.
Hopefully Wegmans is another store to help you through your journey. What Low Fodmap food do you pick up at Wegmans?

CZYK Publishing- Lisa Rusczyk

 I posted this in a business class I am taking, and I thought I would share it here too.

Since this is an business class I would like to share all of my business. Ok that sounded funny. What I wanted to say was, I have been creating a company for over 12 years. I stayed at home with my kids while they grew up and slowly created a business. My main business now is publishing, But over the years I have tried online classes, selling items, and vlogging.
Things have changed. They took down my online classes because the quality was not good enough. I had 50 of them. They took down my blog because I violated their terms of services (still not sure what I did). I had a monetized YouTube channel but they changed the rules for that.
But I keep going and trying new things. Right now all of my books are on Amazon. If I violate their terms of service they could take it down at any time. I try not to do this but you never know. This is why I would like to have our books in more places.
I really like working with people around the world to create these books and I like creating products that I can sell.
When I was little my Mom did crafts shows. She did really well at them. I helped her every weekend and I think this gave me a better knowledge of the business world from real life experience. I now bring this to an online world.
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