CNN's HLN Fire Pit Project Live on National Television

IMG_2571Today is the day!  The camera man and producer will be arriving at our house shortly.  I have cleaned and prepped everything I can. I have cleaned, and cleaned but there are still many things that need to be cleaned.  Everyone's wardrobe is selected.  All the tools are out that are needed for the project.  I should be ready right? I am so excited to be going this project with my friend Sarah from The Clerical Error.  I hope today will be fun and exciting for everyone.  We even get to have a camp fire as a treat at the end.  I know Sarah and I will have a good time and enjoy our day.  Right now I rather not complete this project with any other person. I have never dressed this nice, or put this much thought into doing a project at my house.  I don't normally put on make up to do yard work! :)  Sorry neighbors.  But this time we are inviting a few more people over for our backyard project. Goals of the Day:
  1. Building a great fire pit
  2. Enjoy the day and the process of tv
  3. Have a fun day with my friend Sarah without our children
  4. Spend time with our families and have a great camp fire
Those seem like attainable goals....right? Well the day is now over. I am very lucky to have such supportive friends and family.  Our husbands watched the kids for the day.  I got to spend time with my friend Sarah, filmed for tv, and got a fire pit out of whole thing! We have a party this Thursday that we can test the pit out again.  Here are some shots from the day.  I hope to do a future how to post on how to actually build your own pit.  I bet it will have an awesome video with the project too.  I will keep you updated with the air date. I think the project also proves that exciting things happen in life even when you become a Mom.  Please visit the Fire Pit Mood Board to see more.
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From Lisa Rusczyk Author of “50 Things to Know to Downsize Your Life
This book will help you downsize your life. Relationships and experiences are a place to spend time and money. Stop buying stuff, stop cleaning stuff, stop organizing stuff, and live your life!
I wrote “50 Things to Know to Downsize Your Life” because I wanted to create a concise guide for people to follow to learn to live a better life with less.
This is a collection of 50 simple tips that any person who would like to know while learning to downsize their life.
The book offers practical tips for your bathroom, kitchen, closet, bedroom, downstairs, children’s rooms, and even what to do with your extra time.  The book also includes 10 things to know to save money on your electric bill.
50 Things to Know to Downsize Your Life

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About Lisa Rusczyk

Lisa Rusczyk is the founder of Charlie The Cavalier (a blog about Charlie her dog, and her friends, family and home) and founder of 50ThingsToKnow. Lisa is a Doctoral student in Educational Leadership who happened to start writing her first book 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby after her little girl was born. Her book sold over 1,000 copies in the first year on Amazon. Today, she has over 10 books and helps others self-publish. Further, she shares this information with the public via this blog, FacebookYouTubePinterestTwitter, and recently on a local television station. Lisa knows that like her there are a lot of people who would like concise information on a topic in one digital location. Lisa is known for her simple and effective tips.

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10 Anti Nausea During Pregnancy Tips

Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I have actually been keeping some secrets from you.  As you know I have one beautiful little girl.  But after 7 months of trying I wanted to share the news with you.  I am pregnant again! Many people have asked "Are you feeling sick?".  They knew I did not do so great with my first pregnancy.  Well I was hoping it would not happen again, but I am nauseous again. I am currently in bed feeling nauseous and writing this blog post to pass the time.  During my last pregnancy I worked 40 hours a week and commuted 8 hours a week.  This time I am a stay at home Mom who it teaching a toddler to sleep in a toddler bed and to go the bathroom on the potty.  I do enjoy my job now, as I can on most days get a one hour nap during the day which was difficult at lunch time under my desk at my last job. I get upset at the fact that I don’t want my husband to cook because the smell in the kitchen.  I am sad because I think my body should be better than this.  I know all this will be worth the trouble after the baby is born.  I have been through this before and I can do it again.  I need to remember that this is not my fault. I wish I was a good pregnant woman.  My definition of that is someone who gets pregnant the month that they choose, does not having morning sickness, eats healthy, does not have caffeine, and exercises throughout pregnant.  Then gives birth in a couple hours and finds breastfeeding easy.  Well that is not how my first pregnancy went.  Maybe the second will be closer?  Not so much.  My experience has only allowed me to understand what is next in my journey. Here are some things that I have been told cure pregnancy nausea. I will keep you updated on facebook as I try out the different things.  What cures pregnancy nausea for you?  Please share your comments below. Again I am not a doctor so if you are pregnant you may want to check with your doctor before trying any of these.

10 Anti Nausea During Pregnancy Tips

  1. Ginger Candy

    I have been told ginger works so ginger candy is a great way to get ginger in your body when you don't want to eat anything.
  2. Saltine Crackers

    I ate boxes of these my first pregnancy.  They are easy to pack and munch on during work, in the car, or at home.  Hopefully you can have more than just saltine crackers at a meal.
  3. Ginger Tea

    I did have some ginger tea my last pregnancy and while drinking the tea I did feel better.
  4. Sea Bands

    I don't believe in these bands.  But if they work for you great!  I wish they worked for me.  I had two on my wrists and got sick in a cruise ship bathroom while wearing them.  Not for me.
  5. Aromatic Inhaler Essentail Oil Therapy

    I would like to try this.  If you only had to sniff something and have relief I think that would be a good option.
  6. Ginger Ale

    At one point in my last pregnancy I drank one of these in the shower.  I tried everything.
  7. Shower

    Maybe a hot or cold shower will make you feel better.
  8. Walk

    Going for a walk in the fresh air may change your mood.
  9. Ginger Gum

    If you don't like ginger this list is not for you.  Mythbusters did prove that Seasickness can be cured by taking a ginger pill.  Both Adam and Grant made it through their spin-chair sessions without feeling ill.
  10. Nap or Be Still and Pray

    When I finally get to sleep I don't feel nauseous.  Praying is another great way to remember how grateful you are and forget how you are hurting.  Here are some Pregnancy Bible Versus to keep you on track while praying.

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About Lisa Rusczyk

Lisa Rusczyk is the founder of Charlie The Cavalier (a blog about Charlie her dog, and her friends, family and home) and founder of 50ThingsToKnow. Lisa is a Doctoral student in Educational Leadership who happened to start writing her first book 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby after her little girl was born. Her book sold over 1,000 copies in the first year on Amazon. Today, she has over 10 books and helps others self-publish. Further, she shares this information with the public via this blog, FacebookYouTubePinterestTwitter, and recently on a local television station. Lisa knows that like her there are a lot of people who would like concise information on a topic in one digital location. Lisa is known for her simple and effective tips.

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We have some news to share...

I am happy to share the good news.  I am pregnant again!  Baby number 2 is due on our 5 year anniversary in June! I thought I would share how we shared the news with our close friends and family. Don't worry I am already pretty nauseous but like last time but love sharing the good news with everyone.


About Lisa Rusczyk

Lisa Rusczyk is the founder of Charlie The Cavalier (a blog about Charlie her dog, and her friends, family and home) and founder of 50ThingsToKnow. Lisa is a Doctoral student in Educational Leadership who happened to start writing her first book 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby after her little girl was born. Her book sold over 1,000 copies in the first year on Amazon. Today, she has over 10 books and helps others self-publish. Further, she shares this information with the public via this blog, FacebookYouTubePinterestTwitter, and recently on a local television station. Lisa knows that like her there are a lot of people who would like concise information on a topic in one digital location. Lisa is known for her simple and effective tips.

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50 Things to Know To Be A Fruity Christian: Ways To Live By The Fruits Of The Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23 

I was in church pretty much from the time I was born. I have always loved Scripture and it holds an important place in my life. Some of the Scriptures have stood out in my heart and my life more so than others- Galatians 5:22-23 is one of them. In this day and time, it can be really difficult to practice the fruits of the Spirit that are mentioned in this Scripture. This society does not teach, nor does it encourage, these behaviors. People are taught that relationships can be thrown away, that people are disposable, and that you shouldn’t have to wait for something that you want. In this book, I have brought to light practical ways that you can practice these behaviors in your own life each day. At the root of each one of the fruits is putting others before yourself- learning that life is not about being self-centered, but being others-centered.

1.  Defining Love.

Love does not mean the warm fuzzies you get when you think of someone special. Love is a purposeful choice to have an attitude of goodwill and devotion to others. When you love, you give of yourself freely and without reservation. You don’t think about whether or not the recipient “deserves” it or not and you don’t expect anything in return.

2.  Defining Joy.

Joy doesn’t refer to temporary feelings of happiness, but of gladness that is independent of how good or bad things are in your life. Joy is a supernatural gladness that is given by God that actually reveals itself more when things are difficult. You make the conscious choice to focus not on your circumstances, but on God’s purpose for your life.

3.  Defining Peace.

Peace does not mean that your life is absent of troubles, but rather is a calm, tranquility that exists even in the middle of chaos. Peace is a sense of being whole, complete, and content in the knowledge that God is in complete control of what happens in your life.

4. Defining Long-Suffering (Patience).

Long-suffering, or patience, is the ability to deal with the bad things when they happen in your life without feeling that you must lash out or retaliate. When you practice patience, you are taking a step back from the situation and realize that things happen for a reason.

5. Defining Kindness.

Kindness is when you look for ways to meet needs of others, regardless of whether or not they can meet them on their own. You cannot have malice or ill will when you are practicing kindness.

6. Defining Goodness.

Goodness is reflective of the character of God in your life. When you have goodness in you, you desire to see the goodness in others. Sometimes, to see that goodness in others, you must confront or rebuke (just as Jesus did with the money changers in the temple).

7. Defining Faithfulness.

Someone who has faithfulness is one who has integrity. IF you are faithful, others are able to look to you as an example of how to live. A faithful person is one who is able to show true devotion to God and to others.

8. Defining Meekness (Gentleness).

Meekness does not equal weakness. Meekness is now powerlessness. Meekness is simply an attitude that defers to others, offers forgiveness to others, corrects others with kindness, and strives to live a tranquil life.

9. Defining Self-Control.

When you practice self-control, you release your normal, human desires. Instead, you make the decision to allow God to lead your life. You defer the power and control to God and His will for your life, instead of trying to make the outcome what you want it to be.

10. Practice Love- Say "Hello" To Everyone.

One way to learn to be a more loving person is to say "hello" to everyone you meet. Sure, your parents always told you to never talk to strangers, but how else can you meet new people? When you greet others, they see you as a loving, friendly person that they'd enjoy knowing.

11. Practice Love- Go Out Of Your Way To Help Others.

In our busy world, it's so easy to get wrapped up in "me and my schedule", however stop and take the time to help others out. If you're grocery shopping and you see someone struggling to reach something on the shelf or load their car, stop for a moment and help them. They will be so glad you did- and you will be seen as a loving person.

12. Practice Love- Better To Give Than To Receive.

When you receive a gift from a friend or family member, send them a nice thank you note letting them know how much you appreciate and love them. Send friends and family little treats with a bouquet of flowers on special days- or even just because. You will feel so much better when you give rather than be the one who receives all the time.

13. Practice Love- Don't Just Give & Do, Take Time To Listen.

Being a loving person is so much more than just giving presents and doing things for people. You really need to take the time to listen to what they have to say. If someone is having a bad day, listen to what they are going through and actually sympathize with what they are saying. Let them know how much you love them and that you really do care.

14. Practice Love- Love Everyone!

The world is full of love- share it with others! Tell your friends and family members how much you love them and appreciate them. Be nice to those people who are not-so-nice to others. Show love to your enemies- they hate that!

15. Practice Joy- Smile & Laugh.

Smiling can be an instant mood changer. When you're smiling, it's so much easier to be joyous. Try it- next time you are having a bad day, smile and laugh. You'll be surprised at how quickly your mood changes. Don't get upset with yourself when you make a mistake or have a setback in your goals- just laugh and move on. Click here to purchase and read all 50 Tips 50 Things to Know To Be A Fruity Christian: Ways To Live By The Fruits Of The Spirit


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