I thought I would create a post about how I am staying healthy in 2020. This August I started with a calendar. My goal was to walk 3 miles a day for 6 days a week. I went to a nutritionist at Geisinger Grays Woods. She gave me a calorie goal based on what we talked about. I then stayed at that calorie goal most days as well as walked 3 miles a day.
Five months into walking three miles a day I celebrated with a Christmas present
Stitch Fix purchase. A personal stylist uses a computer algorithm to pick out clothes that will fit my body that is in style. I did this last year at Christmas too and kept the entire box.
Back to the plan. Though the journey I have been trying to keep snacks down to 100 calories. I also tried to eat more fruits and vegetables. Trying new things helped me with this. I love English cucumbers but don't love things like already peeled pomegranates. I also love cotton candy grapes and blueberries. These are things I don't normally buy year-round due to the expense but they are worth it.
I did not want to walk every day. So sometimes I would chart my mood with a smiley face. Then I could see that I made it through a bad couple days with sad faces and back to happy ones. I marked major events on each page to figure out how I would get the three miles a day in. Thanksgiving, Weddings, Christmas, and Birthdays were
Five months into walking three times a day, I started walking more. I tried the Peleton free app and loved it. I realize that I do have some space in my life. I have two daughters age 4 and 7. Sometimes the 4-year-old would pull on my shirt so I could not walk on the treadmill. I had to sometimes plan my walking around that. I included walking while shopping. If I went for a swim with my kids I included that too. What I am saying was I was a little flexible and not very rigid with my miles. I then started tracking the amount that I walked after a mile. Those little bits added up over the weeks too.

I ran into obstacles along the way as things increased. Some days I traveled and I had to figure that out. My socks started rubbing my skin to where it was bleeding, so I bought new socks. I could not drink from my water bottle when jogging so I needed to get one where I could. My pants started to fall down so I needed to get tighter ones. As I put in the miles I needed a new pair of shoes. Then when I achieved some of my weight goals I felt guilty that not everyone around me had done the same. But I continue forward for my health. I tried to put myself first so I could be a better person to help others and maybe motivate others too.
I also started following a few people on social media that I would like to share with you.
Lori Hoy - Full Fit Life was a friendly face every morning. She wakes up before I do and always shares encouragement to keep trying to be a better person inside and out.
Lindsay Tarentella is a Mom of three girls and gets up before she teaches a whole classroom of kids to take care of herself first.
I also have a few podcasts I listen to including the
Lifecoach School Podcast that keeps my mind aware of what it is thinking. Over the holidays I walked instead of drinking or taking more naps to relax. I am really glad I did because I saw changes in my body in a positive way.
List of Tips
- Rip off a calendar page and write your goal at the top. Give yourself at least one rest day and stick with your goal.
- Weigh yourself once a week and add it for that day of the week on the calendar.
- Start thinking about events that may make some days difficult to complete your goal.
- Think about how many calories you may actually consume a day compared to how much you are burning.
- Do it!
Make changes as you go and complete your health goals. Tracking your calories may also be helpful until you get into a healthier pattern of eating. Reward yourself with non-food things like new workout clothes, shoes, or apps to keep you motivated. I hope this post motivates you to try something new or different in your health journey. Many of you share on facebook, Instagram, and posts, so I wanted to share back with the community.
Post Update: Summer 2020 - I have been having pain on my right side above my hip. After many tests at the doctors I am now working though the steps of a Low Fodmap diet. So far the pain has went away and I am working on what I can and can't eat in the future to keep me feeling better. Please talk to your Dr. before going on the diet as it is not for everyone, but it is the next step in my journey. I am also using the Peleton App with my treadmill, bike, and walking outside.

About Lisa Rusczyk
Author Dr. Lisa Rusczyk is the founder of CZYK Publishing which includes the Greater Than a Tourist travel books, 50 Things to Know books, and Charlie the Cavalier Children's Books. Lisa has a Doctorate in Educational Leadership who happened to start writing her first book 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby after her little girl was born. Her book sold over 1,000 copies in the first year on Amazon. Today, she has more than 50 books. Lisa and her husband have two daughters, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Charlie, and love to travel. Further, she shares this information with the public via this blog, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and recently on a local television station. She loves to teach others in a concise way in digital format. Lisa is known for her simple and effective tips.