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Welcome to the greater than a tourist podcast. I am Dr Lisa Rusczyk. As a software trainer, I was a seasoned traveler, but now I’m a digital entrepreneur and mom and I share my everyday travel tips with you. Let’s get started with today’s episode
Good Morning, everyone and welcome to the greater than a tourist podcast, which are 50 travel tips from a local. And my name is Dr. Lisa Rusczyk and I am the creator, the greater than a Tourist. I love to travel, and I hope you do, too. We have a great show for you today, and we’re going to learn about cruise excursions. So this is Episode three to book an excursion or not, And if you love this podcast, you might also like audiobook.
So as a reminder, you can download the greater than a tourist audiobook for free. With a 30-day free trial membership on Audible, there should be a link below. OK, so today we’re going to talk about cruise excursions, and I just came back from a cruise with my husband. We went on a seven-day cruise that started in Boston and ended in Montreal and in some places. We decided to book excursions through the cruise ship and other times we did it. So I guess there’s really three. Well, there are four options you can either book occurs excursion through the cruise ship, book it on your own. You could also stay on the cruise ship and do nothing, or you could book an or you could just make your own excursion. So just get off the boat and walk her out. So most of the time on Created is my husband and I have been on about 20 cruises, some with kids without kids. I’m with friends, and mostly we decide to make our own excursion. So that means we do a little research before or find some research. When we get off the port at the port and we go and, you know, enjoy the city that we’re at for the day. And the reason we mostly do this is because you don’t know the weather when you get there, what is going to be like You could make a few guesses beforehand. You could plan, or you could listen to what they tell you.

But you know, the weather always changes wherever you’re and You don’t also know the feeling of the group of the people you’re with. Are you tired from the day before? Do you have lots of energy? Are you a little seasick? Are you? How are you feeling? So that is why we do expressions on her own. And also you can decide how much to pay at that time. So there are some maps you can use on yourself and that you could download before you leave that when you get there, you can decide what you want to do, and that might be helpful. My husband usually makes a folder that he keeps on his. He is fun. And in the folder is a few pdfs of options we can do for the day and, for example, maps that have already been downloaded So he doesn’t have to use his data or use his cell phone at the country. So that is mostly what we do. But recently we took it a few excursions on our last trip because it was our special 10 year anniversary. Cruise and expert excursions can be expensive, so but the reason we’re glad we took these is a couple of days we wanted to get farther than we could by foot or by Uber Car, so it was a good option. And on the last day, we happen to be in Montreal and it rained the entire day. So if it’s raining the whole day and you’re on foot, it would be more difficult to see a lot of the things that we got to see. And in some places, when we go on cruises, it destroys ALS and stops for the day. But on this particular day, it actually continue to rain the whole time we were there, so we would have just missed that entire port if we didn’t take an excursion. Some people go on cruises and they stay on the cruise ship. They never get off, so you can just see the port from the cruise ship, and that’s fine. You can enjoy the cruise ship while people are exploring, and there are less people on the worship. So that’s better for around the pool or at the buffet, or just any of the common areas you get, the more to yourself that day, and so I talked about it’s going on excursions or not going on making your own. Um, the other thing is you, Khun, book an excursion through a company before you leave, and I guess you have to see the return policies. So for example, one day we were having trouble getting to a certain port because the wind was too high to get in the port. So if you book that excursion ahead of time with the private company, you would probably not get your money back. Or if you get into the port late, for example, we did that takes it, took a few hours. You wouldn’t. You could lose the money from that excursion. But if you booked your excursion through that cruise ship, you we’ll get your money back, which is really nice. And the other thing is, if you book an excursion through the company and something happens, so, for example, the weather or things like that you’ll get your money back. So I guess that’s really nice and something to consider. But they some tours also go in the rain, So if you book an excursion through the cruise ship and it rains, they’ll still go, for example, ours. So there are positive and negatives to go on excursions or not, and you can’t just decide at each individual port. What’s more interesting to you? But thinking about the cost of excursions is important before you book your cruise because, for example, we may go on some cruises where we won’t book any excursions, and it makes the cost of the crew’s less expensive. Because, for example, if you go to the private island and you sit on the beach and you don’t do any other activities, that is cheaper than if you go to someplace and book an ex urgent so he just have Tio think about these things before you book a cruise, and you can decide before you book or can decide the day you get there and decide what you’re going to do. So thank you for joining me today and all the greater than a tourist Books could be found on Amazon and paperback or even format, and most of them are in audiobook format too, and we hope you this show has motivated you to travel. Please join us in the next episode and remember to subscribe to the greater than a tourist 50 Travel tips from a local podcast. Thank you Family service check. See you next time. Bye
About Lisa Rusczyk
Lisa Rusczyk is the founder of Charlie The Cavalier (a blog about Charlie her dog, and her friends, family and home) and founder of 50ThingsToKnow. Lisa is a Doctoral student in Educational Leadership who happened to start writing her first book 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby after her little girl was born. Her book sold over 1,000 copies in the first year on Amazon. Today, she has over 10 books and helps others self-publish. Further, she shares this information with the public via this blog, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and recently on a local television station. Lisa knows that like her there are a lot of people who would like concise information on a topic in one digital location. Lisa is known for her simple and effective tips.