There are many potty training books for kids that offer potty
usage guidelines for parents. However, this list of top 6 potty training books discusses the most contemporary ones and is therefore more
relevant for your children. The books on this particular list can guarantee
that both parents and kids can be more prepared for the night potty training
1. The Smart Parent's Potty Training
Book: Stress-Free Potty Training in 1 - 3 Days!
The author of this book has the goal of having kids trained on how to use potty
before age of 2 years, maybe even younger. This forty-two page book is
specifically written for mothers with kids who are six months and above, and
for parents who have problems training a much older child. It includes
information that will help you with the shift between diaper and potty,
including tips on discrete communication between a parent and a baby.
2. It's Time For Potty: Your Baby's
First Potty Rhyme Book
This book is written to be used together with "The Smart Parent's Potty
Training Book" by Olivia Michael. This twenty-eight page book aims to gain
better communication skills and independence within the kid, which lead to
earlier potty training progress. The book emboldens kids to sit and learn on
their own while they are using the potty. Research shows that kids learn much
faster through songs and rhymes, and the author of this book uses traditional
storybook methods written in rhyme. Different images and colors are intended to
inspire brain recognition and growth.
3. Welcome to Poop Camp: The Truth,
the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth About Potty Training
The author of this book believes that smart people learn from their own
mistakes while wise people learn from the mistakes of others. Obviously she
applies this philosophy on this particular potty training book. The author
believes that parents should get a head start on the process before the kid is
potty-ready., this way, the parent can be prepared. The book also gives
information on learning the best time to start training, giving a step-by-step
process from birth. Moreover, it gives advice on the correct sitting position,
how to deal with inevitable accidents, how to handle disobedient kids, and how
to get a child care provider involved. All these are discusses in detail using
an open and honest language.
4. It's Potty Time
This in an interactive board book intended to make potty training enjoyable for
children and parents alike. Included in the twelve page book is button that
makes a real toilet flush sound. This allow a child to become used to the loud
and frightening flush sound. Also included in the book is a cool development
chart for the child and parent to fill in together as they progress. With
bright color and amusing artwork, this book has a particular copy for boys and
one for girls.
5. Put me on the Potty Mommy: A
Kid's Book on Potty training the Fun Way
In this book, the author aims to show a child that all stages in the potty
training process, including unavoidable minor accidents, are okay. The thirty
page book is written from kid's point of view and is comforting to a child who
is undergoing potty training. Intended to be read just before training begins,
and during training as well, this book can prepare kids for this new and odd
change in their life. It arms kids with the assurance that these changes are
not something to be feared.
6. The Silly Potty Story
This book is available for both girls and boys. Children follow Abby or Andre
and their pet frog on a journey full of laughs and finally the pair finish with
potty training success. The interactive twenty-four pages story discusses where
to use potty and it makes the training constructive. It is a great story to
read while a child is undergoing potty training.
Night potty training is not always easy and can even be
stressful for parents and kids alike. The training is different for every child
hence a parent needs to be prepared for nearly anything. By preparing for the
training, through reading particular potty training books, and try by making
the process fun and thrilling, through interactive and enjoyable kids potty
training books, the process can be very quick and easy. The above list of the
potty training books for kids and parents will certainly help you out with
Read more about potty training at Potty
Training Child
This is a guest author.

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