
50 Things I Learned From The First Year of Parenthood

Our little girl is one!  This is a look a a past year and a half of fun!   Almost a year ago we had a beautiful baby shower with a She is About to Pop baby shower theme!  We were so blessed to have so many family and friends in one spot again.  Here is a list of the gifts that we love. 

I know she was expensive, but this was the teether that our little girl used the most.  I think she like it because it was similar to a human hand.  Soft with different parts to chew on. 

She loves chewing on this one too.  I hope this will help her in the steps to loving her brush her teeth.

This is what our daughter slept in since night one!  We got 2 from the baby shower, then the hospital gave us one as we were leaving for a present.  Great gift!

This sheep was given to us to our friends who were just first time parents themselves.  (They have a fun blog too).  Before every nap and every night we turn on this sheep.  We prefer the wave and rain sound.  I switch it up to the whale sound too.  Our daughter is getting big enough that we turns the sheep on herself sometimes too!

5. Infant Car Seat 

After you get the hang of it, car seats are not that bad.  They let you have your freedom as a new Mom! 

I then learned a little about baby proofing as our little girl started to crawl, then learned to sit, then finally (at 10 months) started walking. Here are some of the things we did to make our house more baby proof.  Some were free, and some cost a little money but we feel it was worth it.  This kit has many things that would be a great baby shower gift:  door knob covers (if you have round handles), easy to install, but easy to lose, switch protectors, and latches.  We just put the latches on all of our kitchen and bathroom cabinets so we would feel more comfortable letting our baby roam around the house. 

6. Safe Plate Switch Covers

I would love to put these in if we buy a new house.  Then if we ever have guest with babies there will be no issues.  

7. Stove Knob Covers

We have a gas range with 5 burners.  These were very helpful to keep our little one from turning on the gas.  

8. Baby Gate

This baby grate is great because you can open it with one hand.  The gate we own has a different latch.  I have been told you need a special gate for the top of the stairs so if it does fall down by accident, there is no injuries. 

9. Baby Blanket Over Door

To keep little fingers from being pinched, I just lay a baby blanket over the top of the door.  A free alternative.  You can take the blanket off when the baby is sleeping to quietly shut the door. 

10. Oven Lock

Our ovens locks itself.  But if you don't have a self locking oven you may need one.  My daughter uses this as a bar to hold onto.  The only problem is when the oven is on you can not lock it. 

11. TV Stand Without Stuff

Put your DVDs (if you still have them) somewhere else.  A plain tv stand with a tv gets less attention from a baby. 

12. Turn side tables around

This table has a drawer on the front.  We turned the table around so she could not get to the drawer.  She was beginning to hang on the drawer when we did this.  

13. Tub Stopper

Let Bath time fun begin!   

14. Child locks on all cabinets.  

Yes even the pots and pans.  

15.  Dollar Store Baskets 

Great for storing little toys out of reach.  Then I can get out one basket at a time and put them away one at a time to all the little pieces don't get unorganized! 

16. Different Toys of Shapes and Sizes

I bought containers from the dollar store and added her toys.  These toys have little parts so I would like her to play with them one at a time so they stay organized. 

17. Short Shelves That Babies Can Reach

Balls, blocks, food items, letter blocks, and other plastic toys. 

18.  Reading Spot

Reading spot to read before bed time. 

19. Reuse Wipe Containers and Shoe Rack

20.  Organize Baby Feeding Area

This Tab Lab Caddy was a baby shower gift from a friend.  We love using the caddy for feeding and for diapers.  Going to the Grandparents for the weekend is easy with this caddy.  

As you can see from this blog, my husband and I got a dog before we had a child.  I believe many of the lessons that I learned from raising charlie from a puppy I now use as a new parent.  Here are some of the things that I have learned.   

21. Diversion to other Object

When Charlie was chewing on a shoe, I gave him a similar soft chew toy.  I try to do the same thing with the baby.  If she is chewing on a shoe, I give her a baby doll to chew on. 

22. Key Words

Sit, Down, Lay, Back, Nice, Kisses, ect.  These are all words we taught Charlie.  Quick easy to learn phrases that are easy to say, remember, and for him to respond.  Well we have some similar ones for the baby.  Kisses, Nice, and hugs are a few I can think of. Having the same nice "command" for Charlie and the baby works out well because when the baby is petting Charlie incorrectly saying nice helps on both accounts.

23. New Food

We changed Charlies food onetime without slowly making the change.  Big mistake.  We learn to only give the baby one different food at a time.

24. Easier As They Get Older

I feel likes sometimes I get a little break as they both get older. 

25. Praise for Doing Good Things

When Charlie does something good I praise him.  I also give the baby positive reinforcement as she learns.  

26. Tags on Toys

Charlie the Cavalier and the baby both love tags.  These tags can provide hours of enjoyment.  

27. Begging

If you feed a dog he will beg.  We learned not to feed Charlie from the table. Just like a dog, you can't give into a kid when you say no then give them the treat (gold fish crackers).  

28. Tone of Voice

When Charlie does something good we give him a high picked "Good Boy".  When he does something bad a low pinched "leave it".  In the same way we tell our little girl similar things. 

 © Copyright sarah white and licensed for reuse 

The bible has come in handy the past year and a half.  Something I think of these to get me though long days and nights! 

29. Behold, children are a heritage  from the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (Psalm 127: 3)

30. For this child I have prayed and You have granted me my request. (Samuel 1:27)

31. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know full well. (Psalm 139: 14)

4. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  (Philippians 4: 6)

32. The kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17: 21)

33. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4: 19)

34. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him, and He will help you. (Psalm 37: 5)

35. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. (Psalm 37: 7)

36. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen youI will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

37. A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; But as soon as she has given birth, she no longer remembers the anguish, For joy that a child has been born into the world.  (John 16: 21)

    38.  Don't forget First Corinthians 13

    Out little girl did great at her first birthday party.  With a little planning the party went great! With some proper planning the party went great.  Here is the cute hello kitty invite and the pinterest inspiration board for the event.  

    39.  Pom Pom Centerpieces

    The pom pom centerpieces were a hit when I added balloons in the center. 

    40.  Watermelon Cake For Child's First Birthday

    I made a "Fruit Cake".  I took a seedless watermelon and created a calendar with a electric knife.  I then added fruit.  Since it was December and the watermelon was good (even in December) everyone ate the cake too! 

    41. Crock Pots for Parties

    I decided to go with crock pots of food to keep it simple.  We had pulled pork, corn, beans and salad.  Then for dessert Chocolate Lava cake. 

    42.  Set Up Table Early

    Setting the table was fun with ideas that I got from Pinterest. 

    43.  Fruit Platters

    These fruit platters were easy to make with plates we already had.  

    44.  Baby Chair

    Remember to bring a high chair for the birthday girl to sit in.  

    45.  Collages

    With PicMonkey you can create collages of your friends and family for free.  

    46.  Please Give Cash

    On the invitation we ask our guest to give cash for a swing set for our little girl.  Since her birthday was so close to Christmas, we are going to use the money for a swing set. She still got to open a few presents. 

    47-50.  Books! 

    As a Stay-At-Home Mom, I got to write a four books.  Writing is a type of journaling and helps me relax.  Here are some more tips for Mom's to relax

    About Lisa Rusczyk
    Lisa is the creator of the blog Charlie-The-Cavalier and His Friends, Family, and Home.  She is also the author of 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby..  Send Lisa Rusczyk and email at
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