
Thankful Thursday- Healthy Baby

39 Weeks and 1 day pregnant today.  I am very thankful for the baby's health, my health, and the support from our friends and family.  While we all can't wait to meet her so are so lucky to know that she is doing well.  She will be here before we know it!

Take Me Out Tuesday- Getting Ready for Christmas with Friends

Here we are cooking ham and wrapping presents.  We then got to spend the night eating and hanging out with friends.  We even got to see some friends from out of town!  What a beautiful season!

Fabulous House Friday- All Wrapped Up!

Getting some Christmas wrapping done a little early in case our little girl comes early.  Charlie was interested in his presents!  

Thankful Thursday- Meal Planning

As I am waiting for our little one I have been doing some meal planning.  I decided that each day of the week will be a different meal choice: Monday Soup, Tuesday Stir Fry, Wednesday Casserole, Thursday  Breakfast, Friday Pizza and Sunday Pasta.  This should help me when my husband asks "What do you want to do for dinner?".  Normally I would say lets just go out just because I have nothing planning.  Hopefully this planning will allow me to give him a different answer.

Many of the items for these meals can be prepped or frozen ahead of time.  I am sure I will add and change the list as we go but this it what we are going to try.  Do you meal plan? 

We are ready when you are!

The nursery is done all except for the best part, out little girl!  She is growing, and we are told she is healthy.  I am so excited!!  I can't wait to hold her on the outside!! :)

Breathing is getting harder every day.  When I talk to my family  on the phone they think I have a cold, when really I am just pregnant! :)

3rd Trimester but getting closer!

My husband likes to treat me with flowers when I am not feeling well thought the pregnancy.  These flowers have been blooming for a week!  They are beautiful!  Even though this pregnancy feels harder in the end, there is an end in sight! 

37 Weeks

Shop Amazon - Create an Amazon Baby Registry Yes you read the title right!  I am 37 weeks today!  This is also my last day at work before I become a stay at home Mom!  How exciting!  I have been feeling pretty good, except for gaining 25 pounds.  Just walking, getting out of bed, and going up stairs is harder.  But I can't wait for our Christmas gift!  Due December 28th!  But she is full term as of today so she can come out any time now! :) I used this cannon camera to take these pictures.

About Lisa Rusczyk
Lisa is the creator of the blog Charlie-The-Cavalier and his Friends, Family, and Home.  She is also the author of 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby.  Send Lisa Rusczyk an email at


Baby Posts





Our Finished Nursery

I love to decorate!  While working a full time job as an instructional designer, I worked on this mood board of the nursery.  I then went from there creating the baby registry, then taking all the amazing gifts people bought us to decorate the nursery.  I hope you enjoy!  Please comment and tell us what you think!  Here is more baby stuff on Lisa's pinterest page.

Chandelier from IKEA 

My Husbands Uncle created this dresser for us.  We used a Ikea dresser as a reference.  We think our is more sturdy.

Old Dresser from Salvation Army spray painted.  Lamp from Restoration Hardware Outlet. 

Pregnancy/ Baby Posts

About Lisa Rusczyk

Lisa is the creator of the blog Charlie-The-Cavalier and his Friends, Family, and Home.  She is also the author of 50 Things to Know Before Having a Baby.  Send Lisa Rusczyk an email at