10 Things to Know About Going to The Natural History Museum with Kids for the First Time

 Hey there, fellow adventurers! Ever wondered how to turn a visit to the Natural History Museum into an unforgettable experience for your little explorers? I'm here to spill the secrets for making your first trip a roaring success. I've curated the top 10 things you should to know before stepping into the realm of dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, and awe-inspiring exhibits with your kids. 

  1. Plan Ahead: Scope out the museum's website for special exhibits, events, and kid-friendly activities. Research the things your kids love so you can see them. There are also a few extra shows with times that you need to make it so plan accordingly. 

  2. Timing is Everything: Beat the crowds by arriving early or later in the day for a more relaxed experience.

  3. Snack Attack: Pack a snack bag for those inevitable hunger pangs during exploration. You can’t eat at the museum but there is a cafeteria that was fairly priced. 

  4. Interactive Learning: Seek out hands-on exhibits to keep the little ones engaged and excited. There are certain shows you can see that will keep kids entertained and let them move around. 

  5. Photo Ops: Capture the magic by bringing a camera – every moment is a memory in the making. These photos may be helpful as learning experiences as they grow up. There is also a butterfly room!

  6. Dress Comfortably: Comfortable shoes and layers are key for a full day of exploring.

  7. Rest and Recharge: Identify quiet spots for breaks when the kids need a breather. There are many lobbies to take a rest before you keep going. Believe me, this place is bigger than you think.

  8. Mind the Time: Allocate sufficient time for each exhibit but be flexible – curiosity knows no schedule.

  9. Souvenir Strategy: Set a budget for souvenirs beforehand to avoid impulse buys.

  10. Reflect and Share: After your adventure, discuss favorite exhibits and discoveries – building lasting memories.

As we wrap up I hope your Natural History Museum visit is as fun as ours was.  Did you uncover a hidden gem or stumble upon a jaw-dropping exhibit that stole the show for your family? Share your stories, tips, and even the hilarious moments in the comment section below. Let's turn this blog post into a community hub of shared adventures, where we can swap tales of triumphs and tribulations in the world of parenting and museum exploration. Your voice adds a vibrant layer to our collective journey, and I can't wait to read all about it! Until then, happy exploring, fellow adventurers!

We watched night at the museum so we had to see the East Island guy. Dumb Dumb, give me gum gum! 

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